Cataleptically speaking

Cataleptically speaking

a blank tv screen. i vilify
the remote control.

hope’s pinions sit in the ash
tray after failed attempts
to attach her to my prayers.

– be like a phoenix
god damn you!

my fortitude a canvass
for             Kandinski

(spells my future)
painted on both sides.

while I masturbate
to the sound of war



20 responses to “Cataleptically speaking

  1. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 44 (May 19-25, 2011) | Promising Poets' Poetry Cafe·

  2. I have to agree with the other’s comments, I know we can’t keep everything clean. The only issue I had was that you’ve created the text too small, way too small, I had to zoom in to 150% just to be able to see the words. You need to remember there are still a few of us out here who are visually challenged.

  3. superb..
    keep it up.

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